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Koalr 发表于 2024-04-30 23:48


在 Rust 中设计一个带有 unsafe & union 的高效内存布局

这是关于如何构建 CLI 电子表格程序的系列博文中的第一篇博文,主要是因为我厌倦了所有其他电子表格的缺陷。在这篇博文中,我将设计电子表格单元格中每个值的内存布局,因此我们应该从以下问题开始:电子表格单元格包含什么?

  • A number? Perhaps!
  • A string of characters? Perhaps!
  • A formula, which is itself a domain-specific-language? Perhaps!

然而,这还不止于此。我不知道在 Excel 中是否是这种情况,但是在 Google Docs中,一个单元格可以被覆盖它的另一个单元格上显示的矩阵覆盖。矩阵和迭代器将是这个电子表格引擎的核心设计,但这是另一篇博文。不过,这意味着值要么是前面列出的值之一,要么是生成这些值的迭代器。

  • 第一次尝试:动态分发 (dynamic dispatch)
  • 通过枚举分发
  • 十进制数字类型,ft tagged pointers
  • 现在有了联合,也称为 C 的未标记枚举或 Friedrich Transmute。
  • 手动实现 iter dyn
  • TaggedPtr 的进一步讨论

使用 nolife 解决生命周期问题



本库利用 async 函数实现了这一目标。这个库只是提供了一种方法,以可控的方式将引用放到 async 函数之外。

// Given the following types:
struct MyData(Vec<u8>);
struct MyParsedData<'a>(&'a mut MyData, /* ... */);

// 1. Define a helper type that will express where the lifetimes of the borrowed representation live.
struct MyParsedDataFamily; // empty type, no lifetime.
impl<'a> nolife::Family<'a> for MyParsedDataFamily {
    type Family = MyParsedData<'a>; // Indicates how the type is tied to the trait's lifetime.
    // you generally want to replace all lifetimes in the struct with the one of the trait.

// 2. Define a function that setups the data and its borrowed representation:
fn my_scope(
    data_source: Vec<u8>, // 👈 all parameters that allow to build a `MyData`
) -> impl nolife::TopScope<Family = MyParsedDataFamily> // 👈 use the helper type we declared
        let mut data = MyData(data_source);
        let mut parsed_data = MyParsedData(&mut data); // imagine that this step is costly...
        freeze_forever!(&mut parsed_data) // gives access to the parsed data to the outside.
                       /* 👆 reference to the borrowed data */

// 3. Open a `BoxScope` using the previously written async function:
let mut scope = nolife::BoxScope::<MyParsedDataFamily>::new_dyn(my_scope(vec![0, 1, 2]));

// 4. Store the `BoxScope` anywhere you want
struct ContainsScope {
    scope: nolife::BoxScope<MyParsedDataFamily>,
    /* other data */

// 5. Lastly, enter the scope to retrieve access to the referenced value.
scope.enter(|parsed_data| { /* do what you need with the parsed data */ });

ReadMore: https://github.com/dureuill/nolife

From 日报小组 Koalr





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